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-log10pvaluefloatone-log10 of the p-value for local Poisson test at peak
-log10qvaluefloatoneSimilar to -log10pvalue, but after Benjamini-Hochberg correction
fixed-widthbooleanoneWhether this peak was called in fixed width mode, i.e. all of the peaks are the same width, and have the summit of the peak as their center
genomic-coordinatesgenomic-coordinateoneThe genomic coordinates of the ATAC peak
jointly-calledbooleanoneWhether this peak was derived by jointly calling on multiple samples
namestringoneThe name of the ATAC peak. Must be unique within the scope of the measurement-set
quality-scorelongoneThe quality score for the peak. This is calculated as int(-10*log10qvalue)
summit-offsetlongoneThe offset of the peak summit from the beginning of the region
uid[[* string]]oneyesSynthetic unique ID for atac-peaks
Unique ID: uid
Label: name