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preferred-namestringoneyesThe globally unique, preferred name of the drug. In the WHODrug dictionary this corresponds to the drug that, for a given Drug Record Number, has the Drug Code with Seq1 = '01' and Seq2 = '001' (refer to the WHODrug user manual
record-numberstringoneyesThe globally unique, WHO Drug Record Number for this drug. The Drug Record Number corresponds to the first six characters of the Drug Code (refer to the WHODrug user manual
sdg-groupstringoneThe group from the Standardised Drug Groupings dataset that this drug belongs to
variationsstringmanyA list of variations associated with this drug. Variations include different salts, preparations or commercial names of the same active moiety. These variations all have the same Record Number but different Seq1 and Seq2 values
Unique ID: preferred-name
Label: preferred-name