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cohortstringoneThis attribute can be used to assign a subject to an arbitrary cohort for this therapy (e.g. Phase 1 vs Phase 2). Note that this is just an arbitrary string that is not checked for consistency and does not represent a formal grouping in a parent entity
dlt-evaluablebooleanoneWhether the subject is part of the DLT-evaluable population for this therapy
idstringoneThe id of the therapy. Must be unique within this dataset (but not within the entire database)
linelongoneThe line of therapy for this subject (e.g. first line, second line etc.) as an integer
orderlongoneThe order of this therapy in this subject's treatment history
previoustherapy.previousmanyPrevious types of therapy for this patient. Refers to entities in the therapy.previous namespace
safety-evaluablebooleanoneWhether the subject is part of the safety-evaluable population for this therapy
treatment-regimentreatment-regimenoneThe treatment regimen that corresponds to this therapy
uid[[* string]]oneyesSynthetic unique ID for the therapy
Unique ID: uid
Label: id