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HGVScstringoneThe HGVSc string for this variant, see http://varnomen.hgvs.org/
HGVSpstringmanyThe HGVSp strings for this variant, see http://varnomen.hgvs.org/
alt-allelestringoneThe alternate allele for this variant
alt-allele-2stringoneThe 2nd alternate allele for this variant
alt-amino-acidstringoneThe alternate one letter coded amino acid sequence for this variant (ie A, R)
classificationvariant.classificationoneThe classification of this variant, refers to idents in the 'variant.classification' namespace
contextstringoneThe reference allele per VCF specs, and its five flanking base pairs
cosmicstringmanyOverlapping COSMIC variants
dbSNPstringmanyA list of dbSNP (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/) ids for this variant
exac-afstringoneGlobal allele frequency from ExAC, in range [0, 1]. See http://exac.broadinstitute.org/
exac-af-adjfloatoneAdjusted global allele frequency from ExAC, in range [0, 1]. See http://exac.broadinstitute.org/
exac-afrfloatoneAfrican/African-American allele frequency from ExAC, in range [0, 1]. See http://exac.broadinstitute.org/
exac-amrfloatoneAmerican allele frequency from ExAC, in range [0, 1]. See http://exac.broadinstitute.org/
exac-easfloatoneEast Asian allele frequency from ExAC, in range [0, 1]. See http://exac.broadinstitute.org/
exac-finfloatoneFinnish allele frequency from ExAC, in range [0, 1]. See http://exac.broadinstitute.org/
exac-nfefloatoneNon-Finnish European allele frequency from ExAC, in range [0, 1]. See http://exac.broadinstitute.org/
exac-othfloatoneOther allele frequency from ExAC, in range [0, 1]. See http://exac.broadinstitute.org/
exac-sasfloatoneSouth Asian allele frequency from ExAC, in range [0, 1]. See http://exac.broadinstitute.org/
feature-typevariant.featureoneThe type of feature (transcript, regulatory, motif), refers to idents in the 'variant.feature.type' namespace
genegeneoneThe gene for this variant
genomic-coordinatesgenomic-coordinateoneThe coordinates of this variant
idstringoneyesGlobally unique id for this variant. This is constructed by joining using '/' the coordinates, ref-allele and alt-allele
impactvariant.impactoneThe impact modifier for this variant. Refers to entities in the variant.impact namespace
neo-antigensneo-antigenmanyThe list of neo-antigens associated with this variant
publicationstringmanyDOI of publication associated with this variant, as a string
ref-allelestringoneThe reference allele for this variant
ref-amino-acidstringoneThe reference one letter coded amino acid sequence for this variant (ie A, R)
so-consequencesso-sequence-featuremanyThe functional consequence of the variant, in sequence ontology terms (http://www.sequenceontology.org/). Refers to so-sequence-feature entities
typevariant.typeoneThe type of this variant, refers to idents in the 'variant.type' namespace
Unique ID: id
Label: id