← schema


ae-causalityadverse-event.ae-causalityoneCausality analysis for the AE. Refer to idents in the ae.causality namespace
ae-durationlongoneDuration of the AE in days
ae-start-relative-daylongoneStudy-relative-day of the reported start of the AE
ctcae-gradeadverse-event.ctcae-gradeoneGrade of the adverse event. Refer to idents in the ae.grade namespace
idstringoneThe id of the AE. Must be unique within this dataset (but not within the entire database)
meddra-adverse-eventmeddra-diseaseoneAdverse event coded per MedDRA classification
study-daystudy-dayoneThe study day on which this AE was observed
subjectsubjectoneThe subject that this AE was observed in
timepointtimepointoneThe timepoint at which this AE was observed
uid[[* string]]oneyesSynthetic unique ID for the AE
verbatim-adverse-eventstringoneAdverse event in free text form, verbatim as reported by provider
Unique ID: uid
Label: id