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HLA-A-typestringmanyThe HLA-A type of the subject, as a string
HLA-B-typestringmanyThe HLA-B type of the subject, as a string
HLA-C-typestringmanyThe HLA-C type of the subject, as a string
HLA-DP-typestringmanyThe HLA-DP type of the subject, as a string
HLA-DQ-typestringmanyThe HLA-DQ type of the subject, as a string
HLA-DR-typestringmanyThe HLA-DR type of the subject, as a string
agelongoneThe age of the subject in years
cause-of-deathsubject.cause-of-deathoneThe cause of death for the subject. Refers to idents in the subject.cause.of.death namespace
comorbiditiescomorbiditymanyThe comorbidities of the subject
deadbooleanoneWhether the subject is dead or not
ethnicitysubject.ethnicityoneThe ethnicity of the subject, refers to idents in the 'ethnicity' namespace
freetext-diseasestringoneThe disease (i.e. cancer type) of this subject in free text form
idstringoneThe id of the subject. Must be unique within this dataset (but not within the entire database)
meddra-diseasemeddra-diseaseoneThe disease (i.e. cancer type) of this subject according to the MedDRA classification
menopausebooleanoneWhether the subject has undergone menopause or not
metastatic-diseasebooleanoneWhether the disease is metastatic
racesubject.racemanyThe race of the subject, refers to idents in the 'race' namespace
sexsubject.sexoneThe sex of the subject. Refers to idents in the 'sex' namespace
smokersubject.smokeroneThe smoking status of the subject. Refers to idents in the 'smoker' namespace
therapiestherapymanyThe list of therapies for this subject. Note that every subject must have a value for this attribute even when all the subjects in the dataset received the same therapy (or therapies)
uid[[* string]]oneyesSynthetic unique ID for subjects
Unique ID: uid
Label: id