← schema


backing-filestringoneyesGenerated by pret: the s3 key where the matrix tsv file will be uploaded.
cell-populationscell-populationmanyThe set of all cell populations referenced in this measurement matrix file.
epitopesepitopemanyThe set of all epitopes referenced in this measurement matrix file.
gene-productsgene-productmanyThe set of all gene products referenced in this measurement matrix file.
measurement-typerefoneThe measurement attribute which matches the type of values stored in this measurement matrix file.
namestringoneThe unique name identifying this measurement matrix within the measurement set scope.
samplessamplemanyThe set of all samples referenced in this measurement matrix file.
single-cellssingle-cellmanyThe set of all single cells referenced in this measurement matrix file.
uid[[* string]]oneyesSynthetic unique ID for measurement-matrix
Unique ID: uid
Label: name