← schema


containersample.containeroneThe container that was initially used to collect this sample (if known), e.g. CPT tube, EDTA tube etc. Refers to idents in the 'sample.container' namespace
freetext-anatomic-sitestringoneThe anatomical location from which this sample was collected in free text form
gdc-anatomic-sitegdc-anatomic-siteoneThe anatomical location from which this sample was collected according to the Genomics Data Commons (GDC) vocabulary
idstringoneThe id of the sample. Must be unique within a dataset, but not necessarily within the database
lateralitysample.lateralityoneFor tumors in paired organs, designates the side on which the specimen was obtained. This attribute was derived from GDC and refers to entities in the 'sample.laterality' namespace
metastasisbooleanoneWhether this is a sample from a metastasis
recurrencebooleanoneWhether this is a sample from a recurrence
specimensample.specimenoneThe specimen type for this sample, refers to idents in the 'sample.specimen' namespace
study-daystudy-dayoneThe study day when this sample was collected
subjectsubjectoneThe subject that this sample was derived from
timepointtimepointoneThe timepoint when this sample was collected
tissue-acquisition-methodsample.tissue-acquisition-methodoneThe method by which this tissue sample was acquired. This attribute refers to enums in the :sample.tissue-acquisition-method namespace.
tumor-typestringoneThe tumor type. This is presently a string, but needs to be moved to an enum
typesample.typeoneThe type of this sample (tumor / normal), refers to idents in the 'sample.type' namespace
uid[[* string]]oneyesSynthetic unique ID for samples
Unique ID: uid
Label: id